SCARY Youtube getting Hacked. Why YT is deleting 2.25 Million Videos deleted.

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Why YouTube Isn’t Worth It Anymore

YouTube has long been a dominant platform for content creators, providing opportunities for monetization and audience engagement. However, recent trends suggest that many creators are beginning to question the platform’s value. From rampant channel hacking to uneven pay structures, the landscape of YouTube is shifting. This article explores several critical issues that have led many to believe that YouTube isn’t worth it anymore.

1. YouTube Channels Getting Hacked

One of the most alarming trends is the increasing number of YT channels being hacked. Creators invest significant time and effort into building their channels, only to have their hard work undermined by malicious actors. These hackers often take control of channels, changing passwords and branding to promote scams or other unauthorized content. For example, numerous creators have reported losing access to their channels overnight, with no clear path to recovery. This not only affects the individual creators but also undermines the trust that viewers have in the platform.

2. Uneven Payment Across the Globe

Another significant issue is the disparity in payment structures for creators across different regions. While some creators in developed countries can earn a substantial income from their videos, those in developing nations often struggle to make ends meet. The monetization policies of YouTube are not consistent globally, leading to frustration among creators who feel they are not being fairly compensated for their work. This uneven payment structure can discourage talented individuals from creating content, ultimately stifling diversity on the platform.

3. Promoting a Certain Agenda

Many users have expressed concerns about YouTube promoting a specific agenda, particularly regarding left-leaning and LGBTQ+ issues. Some creators feel that their content is unfairly flagged or demonetized if it doesn’t align with what they perceive as the platform’s preferred narrative. This perceived bias can create an environment where creators self-censor or avoid certain topics altogether, limiting open dialogue and diverse viewpoints.

4. Fake Copyright Issues

The copyright system on YouTube has become increasingly problematic for many creators. False copyright claims can lead to videos being taken down or demonetized without proper justification. This issue disproportionately affects smaller channels that may lack the resources to fight back against these claims effectively. The stress and uncertainty surrounding copyright issues can deter new creators from joining the platform, leading to a less vibrant community.

5. Channel Deletions: The Case of String Revel

A striking example of YouTube’s harsh policies is the case of the channel String Revel, which was pulled down and deleted without clear explanation. String Revel was known for its critical commentary on various topics but fell victim to YouTube’s stringent enforcement of community guidelines. The sudden removal of such channels raises questions about transparency and fairness in how YouTube handles content moderation.

YouTube has been actively deleting channels for various reasons, with a significant increase in removals over the past few years. In 2023, more than 20,000 channels were deleted in the first quarter alone. The main reason for these deletions has been “coordinated influence operation campaigns” linked to various countries, particularly China. Thousands of channels were removed for uploading spammy content related to entertainment, music, and lifestyle, often in Chinese. Additionally, smaller numbers of channels related to foreign affairs between China and the U.S. were also removed. Countries like Russia, Azerbaijan, and several others had channels deleted for similar reasons during the same period.

Beyond political content, YouTube has been removing channels for violating its content policies, such as uploading spam, misinformation, and harmful or inappropriate videos. This has resulted in millions of videos being removed globally.

From October to December 2023, YouTube removed around 2.25 million videos in India alone, signaling the platform’s broader enforcement efforts worldwide to maintain its guidelines.

You can read more about these deletions from sources like Hindustan Times and Neowin​(

Hindustan Times)​(Neowin).


As these issues continue to mount, many creators are reevaluating their relationship with YouTube. The platform that once offered a pathway to success is now seen by some as a risky venture fraught with challenges. From hacking incidents and uneven payments to perceived bias and copyright troubles, it’s clear that significant changes are needed if YouTube hopes to retain its status as a leading platform for content creation.In light of these challenges, aspiring creators may want to explore alternative platforms that offer more favorable terms and greater security for their content. As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our approach to content creation and distribution.

Also read Outsourcing Youtube video. Youtube as a service | Tech Innovate 360

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