10$ Per week for on demand Umbrella. Cap or slap, Time to buy a new umbrella ?

Forgot your umbrella? Don’t worry!! This Bengaluru startup has got your covered. Drizzle is an innovative company that has introduced an on-demand umbrella service, revolutionizing the way people access umbrellas during unexpected weather changes. This article will explore how Drizzle’s unique approach works, the benefits it offers to consumers, its potential drawbacks, and whether similar concepts exist in other countries.

The Concept of Drizzle:

Drizzle operates on a simple yet effective model: users can request an umbrella through a mobile app whenever they need one, and it will be delivered to their location. This service is particularly useful in urban areas where sudden rain showers can catch people off guard. By leveraging technology, Drizzle aims to provide a convenient solution to an everyday problem.

Innovation in the Idea

The innovation behind Drizzle lies in its ability to combine convenience with technology. Here are some key aspects of its innovative approach:

  1. Mobile Application: The user-friendly app allows customers to order umbrellas quickly, making the process seamless and efficient.
  2. Real-Time Tracking: Users can track the delivery of their umbrella in real-time, ensuring they know exactly when it will arrive.
  3. Flexible Options: Customers can choose from various umbrella styles and sizes, catering to different preferences and needs.
  4. Sustainability Focus: Drizzle promotes the use of reusable umbrellas, reducing the reliance on single-use plastic umbrellas that often end up in landfills.
  5. Subscription Model: The company may offer subscription plans for frequent users, providing them with cost-effective access to umbrellas whenever needed.

Benefits of Drizzle’s Service

Umbrella Service


The primary benefit is convenience. Users no longer need to carry an umbrella everywhere or worry about forgetting one. With just a few taps on their smartphones, they can have an umbrella delivered to them, making it ideal for busy urban dwellers.


For occasional users, purchasing an umbrella can be unnecessary. Drizzle allows individuals to pay only when they need an umbrella, potentially saving money in the long run.

Reduces Waste

By promoting the use of reusable umbrellas and providing a rental service, Drizzle contributes to reducing the waste generated by disposable umbrellas, which are often discarded after a single use.

Enhanced User Experience

The app’s real-time tracking and various options enhance the overall user experience, making it more enjoyable and efficient for customers.

Potential Drawbacks

While Drizzle’s service is innovative, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:


In areas with limited coverage or during peak demand times, users may experience delays in receiving their umbrellas, which could be frustrating during sudden rain.

Cost for Frequent Users

For individuals who frequently encounter rain, the cost of using the service may add up over time compared to purchasing a durable umbrella.

Dependency on Technology

Reliance on a mobile app means that users must have access to a smartphone and the internet to utilize the service. This could exclude certain demographics, such as older adults or those without smartphones.

Global Perspectives: Similar Ideas in Other Countries

umbrella on demand

The concept of Drizzle is not entirely new and has been explored in various forms in other countries:

  1. Japan: In cities like Tokyo, there are umbrella rental services that allow users to borrow umbrellas from vending machines located throughout the city. This system provides a similar convenience but lacks the delivery aspect of Drizzle.
  2. Singapore: Companies in Singapore have introduced umbrella-sharing programs, where users can pick up umbrellas from designated locations and return them after use. This model focuses on accessibility rather than delivery.
  3. United Kingdom: In some parts of the UK, there are initiatives that allow users to rent umbrellas from local businesses, such as cafes and shops. This approach promotes community engagement but may not offer the same level of convenience as Drizzle.


Drizzle’s service represents a significant innovation in how people access umbrellas, providing convenience and sustainability in an increasingly urbanized world. While there are potential drawbacks, the benefits of this service could make it a valuable addition to the lives of many consumers. As similar concepts emerge in other countries, Drizzle has the opportunity to lead the way in transforming how we think about umbrellas and their accessibility.

Read out article on Anything as a service

Read more about Drizzle

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